"Inclusivity" is an oft repeated word in the national discourse re: the choice of Pr. Rick Warren to deliver the Invocation at the installation of our next President. Supporters of Obama's decision point to the many times during the campaign when he talked about "inclusivity". This choice is nothing more than acting on what he promised. That people of differing views must cross the divides that separate us so we - as a nation - can confront the tough challenges ahead.
An equally repeated word is "patience". "Give the man a break" is said. He isn't even in office yet. Be "patient!"
I think neither word is appropriate when responding to this choice!
First, "Patience" was often used in conversing with African-Americans as they struggled for equal rights! "Be patient" - and allow the prejudice to continue just a little longer.
"Patience" when challenging an issue of Justice is not a virtue. We know that evil occurs when good men and women do nothing when facing acts of injustice. That is how the holocaust happened. It is how the Rwanda genocide took place. And Darfur. And Somalia.
Pr. Warren's objection to homosexuality is not, per se, an injustice. It is his vocal challenges, comparing gays and lesbians desiring marriage to pedophiles or polygamists or even those commiting incest! Those words go beyond legitimate disagreement. They are words of injustice.
Second, "Inclusivity" is a legitimate concept when applied to times for dialogue. As we confront the many issues we face as a nation, it is vital that there be "inclusivity".
Citizens with different views about economics, world peace, sexuality and any of the other issues that divide us do need to sit down together. As they dialogue, hopefully, they will identify areas of agreement. They will also honor each other by recognizing each other as persons with valid views!
No one would have suggested to the disciples after the first Easter that they invite Caiaphus to offer grace when they met.
No one would have suggested to Martin Luther that he invite the Pope to bless the Augsburg Confession.
Let's just move ahead and accept that people can continue to be full supporters of our incoming President even as they seek to be involved in the issues of our time.
Barack Obama is still my choice for President. He has asked all of us to assist him in the process of helping our nation to move ahead affirming those values we hold to be true.
2009 and beyond should be interesting times.