Monday, July 14, 2008

Perspective on Costs!

Gas is over $4.00/gallon. We all know that. But, as a Grandfather I really had no idea of the cost of milk until our grandkids for their annual time with us. Milk cost me even more than gasoline per gallon!
That gave me another view about the annual budgets for both the ELCA and the Northern Illinois Synod. While I believe both organizations accomplish many excellent results as stewards of scarce resources - I am also aware that both face major challenges due to finances.
Then I read this figure in the June 9th issue of The Nation. "The American cost of the Iraq War per second (as of March 2008): $4,563.18."
That means our entire budget in Northern Illinois Synod would cover less than 15 minutes of the Iraq War costs!
Whether one supports Obama [as I do] or McCain, the next President of our country has to provide tough leadership for an economic period some even liken to the 1920s before the crash in October 1929. That leadership has to confront us with choices we make. Choices not only how we spend our own monies - but choices on how we want government to spend our tax monies.
That leadership will not be easy - for either candidate! A significant portion of our citizenry has no idea of how tax money is spent - nor do they have daily access to the information sources in which such data can be accessed.
Do we, as persons who strive to follow Jesus as our norm, have any role to play in assisting our President-to-be?
I believe we do. Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life." He then went on to say:
"If you love me, you will obey what command. And I will ask God to give you another Counselor to be with you forever--the Spirit of truth." (John 14:6.15-17a)
Putting "truth" before our co-believers will not be easy. Kierkegaard one said that "truth only exists in action". That is, there is no "static" truth.
Further, "truth" will always be impacted by our biases! Always.
So, in these next months lets gird up our loins, work collectively to gain a stronger understanding of "truth" for 2008, and use the resources within our congregations to educate our members so that they might make more informed decisions when they vote - locally, state-wide and nationally.