Perhaps black people just don't see the point of becoming Lutherans, which has northern European cultural traditions (and tuna casserole) that they don't relate to.
Similarly, white people aren't lining up to become members of the Church of God In Christ, nor are members of that denomination rushing out to recruit whites. COGIC is deeply rooted in the historic black experience.
People get to make choices. I celebrate the diversity of people choosing to worship God in the ways that make sense to them.
I think that to try to interpret Christianity in America by using tired, deconstructionist interpretations of American society and labeling everything racist, is pointless. People are more complicated than that. Besides, nobody cares. We are no longer a white-black country. We've got just about everybody here, and 21st century America will soon be nation of many minorities.
Deconstructionism theory was conjured up as a way to establish an intellectual infrastructure for a future marxist, utopian society, one that wouldn't have much use for Lutherans or any other people of faith.
FYI: There is at least one, diverse congregation in Rockford, reflected in the people who go there, the ministry team and the worship services.
It's called Faith Center, a fairly large (by Rockford standards) congregation on South Main Road.
On any given Sunday, or Wednesday night, its services are a diverse, cross section of Rockford's population.
White, black and Hispanic people seem comfortable worshiping together there. And the music doesn't put people to sleep.
Chuck Sweeny